
Presentation of Christ in the Temple

We will celebrate the Presentation of Christ into the Temple on Sunday February 2, 2025. This is where the prayer of St. Simeon comes from. Please … [more...]

House Blessing Season

To schedule an appointment to have your house or business blessed by Fr. Mark please send him an email at Please provide a … [more...]

Temporary Worship Space Update

We will serve all weekday services, Monday-Saturday, (Wednesday morning Divine Liturgy & Feast Days) including Catechism Class on Wednesday nights … [more...]

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Weekly Services

SATURDAY- Great Vespers 6:00pm (followed by Confessions)
SUNDAY - Matins (Orthros) 8:45am
SUNDAY - Divine Liturgy 10:00am (Eucharistic)

Daily Vespers & Bible Study/Catechism

WEDNESDAY- Daily Vespers 6:30pm
Bible Study/Catechism is held during the fall. Meeting in the parish house, following Daily Vespers.

Please check our calendar for the current Church schedule as weekday services are subject to change.