Many thanks and blessings to our Golf Tournament Sponsors, they have made our Annual Golf Tournament Building Fundraiser a huge success! We would also like to thank everyone who registered to play in the tournament and who have volunteered to help make the tournament the success that it is. We should have a really wonderful […]
New Temporary Location
St. Ephraim parish has moved to a new temporary location. The new temporary location is at 5703 Blanco Road San Antonio, Texas 78216. Our new temporary location on Blanco Road is located in the former Dr. James L. Burch Elementary School. We will be worshiping in the gymnasium and cafeteria. The gymnasium will be used […]
St. Ephraim Feast Day Jan 28th
We celebrated our Patronal Feast day, St. Ephraim the Syrian, on January 28, 2024. To watch a great film about the life of St. Ephraim the Syrian, please click on the Icon below.
Golf Tournament Registration
Our Golf Tournament, the 2nd Annual St. Ephraim Invitational, will be held at Willow Springs Golf Course on Saturday May 18, 2024. Registration begins at 12:30pm and the Shotgun begins at 1:30pm. This tournament serves as one of our most important Church building project fundraisers. To register for the tournament and or sign up as […]
House Blessing
We serve house blessings from the feast of Theophany (Jan 6th) until the Sunday of the Publican & Pharisee (FEB 25th). If you would like Fr. Mark to bless your house please send him an email by clicking on the image below. Please provide your address along with the date and time you would like […]
2024 Stewardship Pledge Form
Attached to the image below is our 2024 Stewardship Pledge Form. Please consider printing, filling out and returning the attached form as we dedicate our Time, Talent and Treasure offerings to our beloved St. Ephraim parish for the upcoming year of 2024. This not only helps us plan our budget for the upcoming year but […]
Building Project Update
As of November 30, 2023 we continue to make progress with our building project. Posted below is a bullet point list of things that have been accomplished this week and will continue to be accomplished in the coming weeks. -Back parking lot was poured. -Structural steel framing continues to be erected and welded. -Steel framing […]
Rejoice with Music Program Notes
Click on the PDF link below for our 2023 Fall Concert Program Notes. REJOICE WITH MUSIC Program Notes Final
Building Project (GONE VERTICAL!)
Our Church Building Project officially went vertical on Friday September 8, 2023, the feast of the Nativity (Birthday of the Virgin Mary) of the Theotokos. The steel workers have made a lot of progress since then! Below are pictures of the work that has been done so far, as of 9/26/23. The playground has been […]
Fall Concert
Our fall Building Fundraising Concert will be held on Saturday October 28, 2023 at Woodland church located at 15315 Huebner Rd. San Antonio, Texas 78248. Last year this was our most successful building fundraiser. Please join us as we raise some much needed funds for our building project. You can use the attached flyer to […]