We will hold our Catechumen Classes each Tuesday evening at 6:30pm starting on September 14, 2021. Classes will be held at our new property (5600 Vance Jackson Rd). We will not meet the week of Thanksgiving and our classes will conclude the week before Christmas, December 14, 2021. If you are interested in joining the […]
Weekly Digest
To access the most recent copy of our E-Newsletter. Please click on the St. Ephraim Weekly Digest image below.
2021 Commitment Card
Our Stewardship Drive for 2021 has begun. As many of you know this year we have the challenge, and blessing, of not only maintaining our ministry but also building a new Church sanctuary. After prayer and discernment we ask that all the members of our St. Ephraim parish family fill out and turn in the 2021 Commitment […]
New (Temporary) Worship Space
Our Chapel (Temporary Worship Space) is located at 8800 Broadway St. Suite 245 San Antonio, Texas 78217. All Divine Services for St. Ephraim parish will be held here. We will be meeting here for Divine Services until our new Church construction project is complete. The building is located just outside loop 410 in the same center […]
Amazon Smile
St. Ephraim is now a member of Amazon Smile! To start donating 0.5% of your Amazon expenditures to St. Ephraim parish, please click on the image below. Under the Search Box it will say “Supporting: Saint Ephraim the Syrian Antiochian Orthodox Church” and then the site will ask you to verify that is where you want […]
Church Attendance
We continue to experience the reality of a worldwide health crisis because of COVID-19. The fear, anxiety and uncertainty this virus has caused in our society is indeed overwhelming. We have taken all the precautions necessary, following CDC guidelines, Archdiocese directives and State of Texas guidelines, in order to keep our Church open and our […]
Stream our Worship Services on Facebook Live
If you are unable to attend Church in-person, you can view our worship services on Facebook Live. The link to our Facebook page is attached HERE and by clicking on the image below. You can also search for our page on Facebook by typing St. Ephraim Antiochian Orthodox Church into the search bar.
Virtual Sunday School
Virtual Sunday School will be offered at Tending the Garden of our Hearts! They are expanding their weekly podcast into a full host of activities and ideas for families, so that Sundays feel like Sundays. After you attend online liturgy, drop in at tending-the-garden.com to get your family talking and learning together. You can also visit […]
Food for the Vulnerable & Needy
We have food items available for parishioners who may be in need. I know that we are fasting, but these are unprecedented times. Most of the Lenten food items at the grocery store are in short supply. For our older and more vulnerable parishioners this is particularly a hard time. That being said, this Lent […]
2020 Lenten Schedule & Holy Week
For a copy of our 2020 Lenten & Holy Week schedule please click on the image below. This year on Monday evenings we will serve Great Compline at 4:00pm. This is being done in order to hopefully encourage more youth participation in our weekday Lenten services. Ideally, parents could bring their children to Great Compline […]