For pictures of our Ground Breaking Ceremony which took place on November 16, 2022 please click on the image below. Glory to God for all things!
2023 Stewardship Pledge Form
Our annual Stewardship Drive for 2023 has begun. We ask our parishioners to prayerfully discern which Time, Talent and Treasure offerings they can provide to our beloved St. Ephraim parish for the upcoming year of 2023. Realizing that the giving of our time, talents and treasure to our parish community is a rewarding spiritual discipline […]
Ground Breaking Ceremony
Please join us on Wednesday November 16, 2022, at 4:30pm at 5600 Vance Jackson Rd. San Antonio, Texas 78230 for our official groundbreaking ceremony! YES, this is finally going to happen! Mark your calendars. Please stay posted for more news regarding our building project.
Wednesday at Church Day/Night
We will serve Divine Liturgy and fellowship breakfast every Wednesday morning at 9:00am. The only time our weekly Wednesday services will change is if we have a major feast that week on a different day, then the feast would take precedent, if we are in Great Lent or if Fr. Mark is out of town. […]
Church New Year
September 1st marks the beginning of the ecclesiastical (Church) new year. Church tradition holds that the Hebrews entered the promised land in September and the Christ began preaching the good news about His mission of September 1st. Therefore, our Church throughout the centuries as maintained the tradition of celebrating the new Church year on September […]
Catechumen Class
Our Catechumen/Inquirer classes will begin on Wednesday August 17, 2022 at 6:30pm. Classes will be held each Wednesday evening at 5600 Vance Jackson Rd. San Antonio, Texas 78230 and will last until the Wednesday before Christmas, December 21, 2022. If you are interested in joining the Orthodox Church attendance at these classes is required. If […]
U.S. Supreme Courts Overturns Roe vs. Wade
To view the statement from our Archdiocese regarding the overturning of Roe vs. Wade. Please click on the Icon below. Glory to God for all things!
On Sunday June 12, 2022 we celebrated the feast of Pentecost. For more information about this feast day, please click on the Icon below.
Final Design Plans (Interior & Exterior)
For a copy of our final exterior and interior design plans of our new Church building project, please click on the image below.
2022 Stewardship Pledge Form
Our Annual Stewardship Drive will begin on Sunday November 14, 2021. We ask, after prayerful decrement, that all of our beloved St. Ephraim parishioners fill out and return the attached 2022 Stewardship/Commitment Card. Not only will this help us budget for the 2022 calendar year but it will also help us plan for the coming […]